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Thank You For Signing Up As General Member!

Please note: confirmation of your direct debit might take a couple of hours to reach your email. 
To book on to our evening & day meditation classes, weekend courses,  retreats and children’s classes, once on the Eventbrite booking page, please select the tab ‘Member’, which will give you the course for free,
Lunch during all day courses and retreats is not included in the membership and a small fee to cover the cost is usually required.
The Membership options listed above are discounted and the cost structure is based on the duration where class and course frequency will naturally fluctuate.  We recommend that we stay committed as member for at  least a period of three months. However if you wish to cancel your membership you can do so at any time but please let us know in advance. 

 For further details please contact the centre: info@meditateinkent.com

General Member

£ 30 Monthly
  • All Weekly Morning Meditations
  • All Weekly Evening Meditations
  • All Half-Day Courses
  • All Day Courses
  • All Children's classes
  • All Day Retreats
  • All Non-Residential Weekend Retreats
  •  All Chanted Prayers and Special Buddhist Retreats

Kadampa Meditation Centre Kent is a registered charity and non-profit organisation. The Centre is run entirely by volunteers and all its activities are dedicated to the development of world peace. All profits raised through our events go into The International Temples Project Fund (ITP), an international charity which supports the development of Temples and Centres around the world.